Karna -The Generous Warrior based of Shivaji Sawant’s novel “Mrityunjay” (Hindi-2007)
Premiered at Prithvi Theatre, “One of the best production of Mumbai in 2007”- Hindustan Times. Toured Netherlands in 2009 to participate in the In De Sporen Van India festival. Play uses Manipuri martial art form “Thang Ta” and “Mayurbhanj Chhau” from Orissa.
Oedipus Rex Sophocles Indian adaptation (Hindustani-2010)
Premiered in NCPA Centre stage Festival, Dec 2, Mumbai, Old world Theatre Festival, Delhi & Gurgaon, Shows at Prithvi Theatre in December 2010 Experimentation with the authenticity of music of Greek era (500 B.C.)
Pyaar Pe Waar A Musical adaptation of Shakespeare’s Mid Summer Night’s Dream (Hindi-2012)
Premiered at NCPA on 17th and 18th March 2012 It is an assimilation of different genres of Music, Language and Visual effects.
Rashomon Blues an adaptation of Akira Kurosawa’s classic movie Rashomon Hindi (2013)
Premiered at Prithvi Theatre Festival ‘13 Also featured in KGAF’13 , Mumbai, and VDMT festival ‘13 ,Pune. Blues' y operatic avant garde presentation.
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